About Us

Our History
Historic St James was founded in November 1927 in the Madisonville, La Community. Currently, we are led by our Pastor Rev George T Burris, and his lovely wife Lonzetta. We exist to develop an intimate love relationship with Jesus Christ and to share that relationship with the churched and unchurched around us through the power of the Holy Spirit to the glory of God. We are on Mission to Prepare People for Life’s Challenge.
Our Strategy to accomplish our Strategy is Loving People, Growing Believers, and Serving God. Our Core Beliefs center on Prayer, Faith, Service, Accountability, and Excellence.
What to Expect
Upon arrival you will be greeted warmly and directed to a place to sit. The service begins promptly and will include opening prayers, scripture readings, praise and worship, and powerful bible teaching. After the message we offer a time of commitment and guidance, as well as a time of giving to the Lord. After service you will have an opportunity to meet the Pastor for coffee and members of our Leadership Team. We have a gift for you and want you to feel like family from the moment you arrive.
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